12 Week Program - $1,879 and up*
Your Dog must have successfully complete Level 1 and Level 2 training with Canine Classics and must qualify and pass the Canine Good Citizen Test before training to become a Service/Emotional SupportAnimal. This test is given for an additional fee of $150 after completing level 2.
For dogs with previous training, the cost is $175 pass or fail to take the Canine Good Citizen Test. Level 3 separately is $689.
Before beginning training we will administer Temperament Test for $150 and up. Adopted/rescue dogs, some breeds and dogs over 4 months of age may not qualify to be a Service Dog

LOOK – to get the dog’s attention.
SIT – the foundation of all training
DOWN – to put her entire body lying down on the floor
STAND – to stand on all four legs
RECALL – to respond to her name
HANDLING - to be groomed or examined by Vet nicely
HEEL – to advance to your position then sit next to you
STAY – to freeze in her current position
WAIT – to stop moving forward
SIT AND STAY W/ STEP AWAY - corrects any separation anxiety
OFF – to remove herself from whatever item or object she is on and place all her feet back on the floor
LET’S GO – to start to move
SOCIALIZATION -to see humans as the Alpha and get along with other dogs
LEAVE IT – to move her head away from whatever she is touching or about to touch and making eye contact with you
LEAVE IT LVL 2 -to leave food in front of dog and not touch it even if not present
POTTY – to go to the bathroom
SETTLE (DOWN & STAY) – to calm down
RECALL frm SIT & STAY - to know when to move
TOUCH - communicate with electronic touch buttons
BACK – to step backwards
CLOSE – to walk nicely next to you
TURN LEFT/ TURN RIGHT – to turn left or right on command
MOVE – to physically move her body in any direction
GO TO – to go over to another person
UNDER – to crawl under something low
QUIET – to stop barking, whining, howling
WAIT #1 - to wait for food (on command)
WAIT#2 - to wait for you to come back after 2 minutes
BRING IT & DROP IT (optional)
ROLL OVER (optional)

What is difference between a Service Dog and a Emotional Support Animal?
Emotional Support Animal's (ESA'S) are dogs that provide a SERVICE for their owner, but do not provide a specific TASK. Service Dogs are trained to perform a specific task or job.
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Emotional Support Animals can be any breed. These companion animals can help ease anxiety, depression, some phobias, and loneliness. In order to be considered an Emotional Support Animal, you must be prescribed by a mental health professional a diagnosed psychological or emotional disorder, such as anxiety disorder, major depression, or panic attacks. A HIPPA form will be submitted to your health care professional and documentation of your diagnosis is required before training. All information is kept confidential.
What Rights Do Emotional Support Animals Have?
Unlike service dogs owners, ESA owners have only limited legal rights and those typically require a letter of diagnosis from the owner’s doctor or psychiatrist. While they don’t have unlimited access to public spaces, the Fair Housing Act mandates “reasonable accommodations” for emotional support animals even in buildings that don’t allow pets.
As of January 2021, airlines are no longer required to accommodate emotional support animals.